How to edit existing App on FINGI

1. Open "Manage Apps" page

After you login click on your profile info in the top right corner of the site. Then click on "Manage Apps" buttons in the drop down menu. Or just follow this link.

2. Click "Edit" button

If you have registered some apps, you should see "Edit" button on your apps in the list. Click it!

3. Edit App details and request approval.

The Edit App page consists of:

Client Id - the FINGI client id generated for you, it is the same id, under which tokens will be stored on blockchain.

Approval status - to the right of the Client Id you can see the string, that indicates if your app is approved to be available on FINGI public marketplace.

Title - visible app title

Image Url - logo, app icon or a game box art. Should be square at least 300x300 px.

App URL - the external url, which leads to your app.

Description - a few words about your app or game.

Visibility checkbox - After your app is approved you can decide wether you want to show your app on FINGI public marketplce or prefer to use it privately. Remember that you can always share the direct link to your app with users.

"Update App Info" button - Click this button to save changes.

Api Key and "Generate" button - Here is your api key displayed. Use it if you want to sync virtual assets of your app or in-game items with FINGI API. Click "Generate" button to generate a new api key.

WARNING - Don't let anyone access your API key. Don't use it in your client-side code because someone can reverse-engeneer your code and use it. Keep it only in your server code and don't let it slip into Github repository (use Secrets).

WARNING - By clicking Generate button - you will generate a new FINGI API Key, but the old one will be invalidated immidiately.