FINGI API webhooks

To understand how to start using FINGI API, please address following sections of our documentation:
1. How to use FINGI API
2. How to Create App
3. How to Get API Key
4. FINGI API endpoints

FINGI webhooks offer a seamless solution for syncing virtual assets between in-game inventories and the FINGI platform. By automatically sending real-time notifications whenever a change occurs in a user's inventory, webhooks ensure that asset information remains up-to-date and consistent across both environments. This approach eliminates the need for manual synchronization or constant polling, thereby reducing the workload on game servers and enhancing the overall user experience.

Activate Webhooks in the Manage Apps panel.

1. Navigate to the Manage Apps section
2. Click the "Edit" button on the registered app
3. Locate the "Your unique URL for events (FINGI webhook)" field at the bottom
4. Paste the URL that will receive FINGI webhook requests for this app
5. Click 'Save' button

Webhook request

Once you provide a URL for a webhook in the Manage Apps section, this URL will begin receiving HTTP POST requests whenever a user interacts with their inventory on the FINGI platform. The structure and content of these requests will vary depending on the type of interaction, such as merging or selling spendable assets, acquiring or selling permanent items, or activating time-limited items.

Request structure

Authorization Basic Your_Fingi_Api_Key_Here
X-Webook-event ItemMergeRequested, SellOrderCreated, SubActivated, TokenAmountChanged

Webhook: ItemMergeRequested

The ItemMergeRequested webhook is triggered when a user requests to merge items in their FINGI inventory, which means that we should add these items to their in-game inventory.

Field Type Description
clientId string App client ID
event string Event type: ItemMergeRequested
mergeRequest ItemMergeRequestedContent Details of the merge request


Field Type Description
mergeId string Unique ID of the merge request
userEmail string Email of the user who initiated the merge request
itemUri string Item metadata URL
count number Number of items requested to be merged

The webhook ItemMergeRequested example

  "clientId": "123456",
  "event": "ItemMergeRequested",
  "mergeRequest": {
    "mergeId": "abcd1234",
    "userEmail": "[email protected]",
    "itemUri": "",
    "count": 5

Webhook: SellOrderCreated

The SellOrderCreated webhook is triggered when a user creates a sell or minting order for their items in the FINGI inventory.

Field Type Description
clientId string App client id
event string Event type: SellOrderCreated
sellOrderCreated SellOrderCreatedContent Object containing sell order details


Field Type Description
userEmail string Email of the user who created the sell order
itemUri string Item metadata URL
countSold ulong Number of items sold in the sell order
countRemaining ulong Number of items remaining in the user inventory

The webhook SellOrderCreated example

  "clientId": "123456",
  "event": "SellOrderCreated",
  "sellOrderCreated": {
    "userEmail": "[email protected]",
    "itemUri": "",
    "countSold": 3,
    "countRemaining": 2

Webhook: TokenAmountChanged

The TokenAmountChanged webhook is triggered when the amount of permanent tokens in a user's inventory changes due to acquiring, selling, or transferring tokens.

Field Type Description
clientId string App client id
event string Event type: TokenAmountChanged
tokenAmountChanged TokenAmountChangedContent Object containing token amount change details


Field Type Description
userEmail string Email of the user whose token amount has changed
items SimpleItemInfo[] Array of SimpleItemInfo objects representing the items related to the token amount change


Field Type Description
itemUri string Item metadata URL
tokenCount number Number of tokens associated with the item

The webhook TokenAmountChanged example

    "clientId": "123",
    "event": "TokenAmountChanged",
    "tokenAmountChanged": {
      "userEmail": "[email protected]",
      "items": [
          "itemUri": "",
          "tokenCount": 361
          "itemUri": "",
          "tokenCount": 253
          "itemUri": "",
          "tokenCount": 716

Webhook: SubActivated

The SubActivated webhook is triggered when a user activates a time-limited token, which extends the expiration time of a time-limited item such as a booster or subscription.

Field Type Description
clientId string App client id
event string Event type: SubActivated
subActivated SubActivatedContent Subscriptions activated


Field Type Description
userEmail string Email of user
activeSubs SubActivatedInfo[] Array of active subscriptions


Field Type Description
itemUri string Item metadata URL
expirationDate number Expiration date for the subscription
isActive boolean Is the subscription active

The webhook SubActivated example

    "clientId": "123",
    "event": "SubActivated",
    "subActivated": {
      "userEmail": "[email protected]",
      "activeSubs": [
          "itemUri": "",
          "expirationDate": 1975000000,
          "isActive": true
          "itemUri": "",
          "expirationDate": 1980000000,
          "isActive": true